
Illustrations for an Unwritten Book


Transistors oscillating and capacitors atwitter, the holo-discharger bathed itself in an ionized halo of virtual reality.


The rattle and hum of the roto tree resonated throughout the automated house garden. In glowing chambers the servo-bots recharged and refitted their master cylinders.


The fish machinery under the sea churned the waters emitting an eerie florescence in the depths.


With the gnashing of gear teeth and the grinding of cogs and cams, the pantomime automaton emerged in the town square to entertain the anticipated throng. The audience never showed.


The great day arrived, the remote convincing device was activated. The earth shook, the seas quivered, the air was electric; the machines all agreed things would never be the same again.


In a clockwork fury of armatures, springs, pinions, and bellows, the meloditron played the furniture music for the mechanical ballet.


The philosopher robot contemplated entropy without result. The machines were fully in change, but none knew why.


The machines had all broken down and rusted away. All that remained in the quiet mechanical structures were their cones.